
Programming Language: Matlab
SMLM-CEL0 is an algorithm to perform single molecule localization based on a deconvolution algorithm with a L0 regularization term to promote sparsity.
Website article

Programming Language: Python (Standalone Jupyter Notebook)
AbsorpFit is a package to fit absorption lines in astrophysical spectroscopic observations. It returns the gas properties for each element included, such as the column density, gas velocity, gas covering fraction, and Dopler parameter..
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Programming Language: C
DISCCOFAN is an image processing tool integrating Distributed Component Forest techniques and built upon an extensive OpenMP and MPI parallelization scheme. It performs morphological analyses such as structure extraction, filtering, pattern spectrum, or DAP segmentation.
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- Paper 1: Distributed Component Forests in 2-D: Hierarchical Image Representations Suitable for Tera-Scale Images. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2019 .
- Paper 2: Distributed Connected Component Filtering and Analysis in 2D and 3D Tera-Scale Data Sets. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021 .
- Paper 3: Parallel Attribute Computation for Distributed Component Forests. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022 .
Website article

Programming Language: C++ - ROOT
LOTS is track reconstruction algorithm specifically designed for the Straw Tube Tracker detector in the future nuclear physics experiment PANDA.