A picture is worth a thousand words. Except when this figure is actually a picture with a thousand words.

This is the Saint-Graal of my research figures. It is a graph. But not any graph. A graph with a lot of things. And it's interactive. So we love it, no doubt about that. It shows what I worked on so far, from the related fields to specific techniques I used in each project. What means "Other"? It's related to all projects, current or old, in which I am involved (e.g. students projects, collaborators projects, non-science projects, non-profit projects, non-terminated projects, non-politically-adequate projects, non-existent projects, non-nyan-cats projects, non-non projects, non-marinated projects, non-alcoholic projects, and else). Leave a thumb up if you like it (kidding, this is not facebook).


More details into the astrophysics related research (stars, galaxies, and other kwazy stuff).

Computer Science

More details into the computer science related research (0s and 1s, because everyone like numbers).

Particle Physics

Actually more computer science applied to particle physics, but still cool.

List of publications

The list of my publications, as of June 2023, can be found here. It also contains the list of oral presentations I've given over the years. Now who wants some ice cream?

Some recorded talks

For more fun, activate the automatic captions from YouTube (only possible with second or third option).

My PhD thesis is a book you can read

Because you can read it doesn't mean you have to. It's a thesis. It's long and full of letters, words, and equations. It also has images, but we are not talking about sunset pictures. You can find it here.