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From astrophysics to biology

Software and tools

Some pieces of code doing something.

Outreach and education

Yes, sometimes, I do that.


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List of publications

Looking for a complete list of publications?

You can access my Google Scholar page below, which provides a rather detailed list of my research contributions in all fields.

Recent News

October 24

The story of two very early luminous galaxies

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, we looked at two very early galaxies living during the Epoch of Reionization. After a careful and detailed analysis of the light they emit, we found that these two galaxies may not play a substantial role in ionizing the neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium.

Jan 24 & May 24

Matching real and virtual galaxies

The advances in numerical simulations have enabled tremandous progress when simulating highly complex astrophysical processes. In two recent papers, I dive into how the comparison of observations and astrophysical simulations to improve our understanding of how galaxy evolves.

May 23

Reconstructing charged-particle trajectories

For future nuclear physics experiments involving particle collisions at extreme rates, one need to reconstruct the particle trajectories in real time. In this paper, we designed a pattern recognition method that approaches the theoretical requirements.



A super powerful image processing tool

DISCCOFAN is a highly parallelized image processing tool optimized for analyzing the morphological patterns in handling vast datasets. DISCCOFAN was deployed on high-performance computing clusters and shown to achieve substantial speed improvements for dealing with gigantic volumes of data. And it can also work on your own machine.
